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Receivables management

The HFG Group specialises in long-term collection and handles all kinds of cases – from private individuals to world market leaders, including telecommunications, insurance, credit management, payment service providers and energy suppliers. The focus is on professional processes concerning the determination, payment flow and communication with all stakeholders.

Transparent – personal – individual.


Long-term debt collection

Fiduciary processing
of enforceable receivables



One-time or revolving purchase
of receivables packages



Pre-financing of 
collection revenue


Long-term debt collection

How much money is still left in your enforceable receivables which are sitting unprocessed in the filing cabinet?

Long-term debt collection pays off.

The HFG Group invests in the realisation of your enforceable receivables.

HFG is used for realisation in advance; commissions are only calculated as a percentage of receivables successfully collected. The HFG Group specialises in long-term collection and handles all kinds of cases – from private individuals to world market leaders.

Highly qualified and motivated employees along with state-of-the-art IT support the process and promote timely dialogue with debtors. Automated software specifically designed for long-term collection creates time in the course of daily work for personal and active debtor conversations.

Purchase of receivables

Greater financial scope by selling your enforceable receivables. Packages from 50 enforceable receivables and more.

The HFG Group buys your uncollectible undisputed receivables and your enforceable receivables.

For sellers with rapid liquidity inflow, sale of receivables is a sensible alternative to conventional fiduciary debt collection.

The HFG Group's business includes, in addition to fiduciary acquisition of enforceable receivables, the one-time or revolving purchase of receivables packages. Determination of purchase price and payment are carried out quickly, while processing is straight forward.

If you would like to submit or sell your enforceable receivables for fiduciary processing, then click here >
